Dr. Peter Hesemann

Photo de Peter Hesemann

Directeur de recherche


Curriculum Vitae

  • 1986-1991      Undergraduate studies: Universities Cologne and Marburg/Germany
  • 1991-1994      PhD thesis, University of Marburg/Germany
  • 1995-1996      Postdoctoral fellow, University Montpellier 2/France
  • 1997                Chargé de Recherche CNRS (CNRS junior researcher)
  • 2007                Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Montpellier 2/France
  • Since 2011      Directeur de recherche au CNRS (DR1 depuis 2021)

Current Research Interests

  • Ionosilicas: nanostructured silica hybrid materials bearing ionic substructures
  • Applications of mesoporous silica: heterogeneous (organo-)catalysis, ion exchange, biomedical
  • Functional ionic materials: Ionic liquids and surfactants, ionic surfaces and interfaces
  • Renewable materials and derivatization, biomass valorization and biorefinery

Bibiliographic details

  • 108 publications in peer-reviewed journals, h-index 35 (HAL link)
  • 80 oral communications on national and international conferences

Principal Research and Academic Responsibilities

  • PI of approx. 10 research projects (ANR, Labex CheMISyst, SATT AxLR, Région Occitanie, PHC, …)
  • Head of the ‘Chimie moléculaire et Organisation du Solide’ group of the Institut Charles Gerhardt (2017-2020)

Selected recent references (2019-2024)

  1. Novel Antifouling Coatings by Zwitterionic Silica Grafting on Glass Substrates, J. Zhang, L.M.A. Ali, D. Durand, M. Gary-Bobo, P. Hesemann, Langmuir, 2024, 40, 3463–3471.
  2. Periodic Mesoporous Ionosilica Nanoparticles for Dual Cancer Therapy: Two-Photon Excitation siRNA Gene Silencing in Cells and Photodynamic Therapy in Zebrafish Embryos, B. Mezghrani, L.M.A. Ali, N. Cubedo, M. Rossel, P. Hesemann, J.-O. Durand, N. Bettache, Int. J. Pharmaceutics, 2023, 641, 123083
  3. Ionic guest in ionic host: Ionosilica Ionogel Composites via Ionic Liquid Confinement in Ionosilica Supports, N. Abdou, B. Alonso, P. Landois, N. Brun, A. Taubert, P. Hesemann*, A. Mehdi*, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 6, 939-947
  4. Periodic mesoporous ionosilica nanoparticles for green light photodynamic therapy and photochemical internalization of siRNA, B. Mezghrani, L. M.A. Ali, S. Richeter, J.-O. Durand, P Hesemann*, N. Bettache*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 29325-29339
  5. Recent trends in elaboration, processing and derivatization of cellulosic materials using ionic liquids, A. Salama, P. Hesemann, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., 2020, 8, 17893-17907.
  6. Mesoporous organosilica nanoparticles for gemcitabine monophosphate delivery, R. Bouchal, M. Daurat, M. Gary-Bobo, A. Da Silva, L. Lesaffre, P. Dieudonné, C. Charnay, P. Hesemann, J.-O. Durand*, ChemNanoMat, 2019, 5, 888-896.