Dr. Martine Hossaert-McKey

Photo de Martine Hossaert-McKey

Directrice de recherche ÉmÉrite au CNRS


Résumé succinct

Martine HOSSAERT (Senior Scientist CNRS) is recognized internationally as an outstanding researcher in evolutionary biology. She works at the Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology in Montpellier. Her work on plant-insect interactions combines ecology, evolution and chemistry (125 peer-reviewed articles, H-index = 55, Google Scholar). She was adjunct professor at the University of Miami (Florida) during 10 years (1986-1995), where she was a driving force for developing a worldwide initiative on comparative biology of figs, a large pantropical genus of flowering plants. She created the GDR for Chemical Ecology (2005) and directed this group (researchers from 50 laboratories) for 10 years, leading to the emergence of France as a world leader in chemical ecology. At the CNRS laboratory ‘Bio-inspired Chemistry and Ecological Innovations’ (ChimEco), she participates in the development of Nature-based Solutions for restoration of sites contaminated or degraded and the conversion of these pollutants into resources, contributing to circular economy. She has published 12 books and 15 book chapters on different themes in ecology, biodiversity and chemical ecology. She is a leader in the animation, administration and evaluation of science, both within France and as a representative of France in international conventions of the United Nations (e.g. IPBES meetings, COP on Biodiversity). She is past president of two sections of the CNRS National Scientific Committee (section 29, evolutionary biology, 2008-2010; CID 52, Human-Environment interfaces, 2004-2008). These committees are in charge of the evaluation and recruitment of researchers for the CNRS. As scientific deputy director of the CNRS Ecology and Environment  (2010-2020), she had scientific and strategic responsibility for about 35 research labs (UMR, “mixed research units”). She also helped develop research strategies and priorities for the Institute, and was responsible for major initiatives for sharing knowledge on many environmental challenges and encouraging the participation of diverse actors in the development of innovative solutions. She was (2018-2019) the scientific coordinator for the French Ministry of Research (MESRI) and for the French Ministry of Overseas (MOM), providing expertise on research activities and priorities in French overseas territories, and is currently ‘chargée de mission’ for Biodiversity and Overseas for the CNRS Ecology and Environment. She also represents the CNRS in the National Committee for Biodiversity (CNB), the IPBES, and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). She has directed numerous research programs, including some CNRS Priority Exploratory Programs (PEPS). She has broad direct experience with the use of digital sequence information in research, as many of her publications use a diversity of DSI (e.g., microsatellite markers, amplified fragment length polymorphisms, sequencing of genes) to study the phylogeny, the phylogeography, and the population genetics of the diverse plant and animal groups she has studied. She has also contributed to capacity building in the use of DSI in research in her supervision of international students from China, Cameroon, Colombia, Gabon, and Senegal. She animates a national group studying policy related to DSI, comprising representatives of the CNRS, the French Academy of Sciences, and ALLENVI (Alliance for the Environment), and is also a member of the DSI International Scientific Network. Her experience makes her uniquely qualified to evaluate the consequences of policy decisions regarding DSI for research and capacity-building in ecology and biodiversity.

Based on her proven experience with managing large scientific programs, she obtained from the French government (France 2030) a PEPR (Program for exploratory research), of which she is one of two scientific directors, on Nature Based Solutions (SOLU-BIOD: 44, 2 M€ -9 years). The main objective of the PEPR SOLU-BIOD is to propose Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) as a major element of the paradigm shift needed for a more effective response to the crisis of biodiversity and to current societal challenges. SOLU-BIOD has been designed as a transformative program to structure and strengthen the French research community on NbS around innovative scientific challenges, with the ultimate goal of unlocking the potential of NbS and paving the way to an ambitious national plan on NbS, generating major environmental, social and economic benefits.


  • Chargée de mission Biodiversité et Outre-mer
  • Co-responsable du PEPR SOLUBIOD


Ecologie évolutive


Ecologie chimique

Marqueurs moléculaires



Autres mots-clés

Biologie de la conservation

Interactions bio-culturelles