Dr. Claude Grison

Photo de Claude Grison

Directrice de recherche

Directrice du Laboratoire de Chimie Bioinspirée et d’Innovation Écologiques UMR 5021

Courriel ChimEco

Courriel Bioinspir

Courriel Laboratoires Bioprotection

Current positions

2018 : Director of Research « Exceptional class » at the CNRS

2016: Professor « Exceptional class » at the University of Montpellier /France

Executive board

Director of the laboratory “Bio-inspired Chemistry and Ecological innovations” CNRS-UM (UMR 5021 CNRS-UM, 2014-2025)

Deputy director of the laboratory “Biomolecular Chemistry” (UMR 5032, Montpellier) (2004-05)

Co-Director of the laboratory “Biomolecular Organic Chemistry” (UMR 7565, UHP-Nancy 1) (1994-2003)

Scientific director and co-founder of two companies: Bioinspir and Laboratoires Bioprotections

Summary of Research Activities

Publications: 172 manuscripts and 45 patents : HAL

Oral and poster presentations: 201

Invited lectures: 182

Excellence bonus given by the Ministry to outstanding teacher-researchers (during 12 years)

Supervision of 27 PhD students

Supervision of 21 postdoctoral fellows

Supervision of 72 Master students


Member of the European Academy of Sciences

Member of the National Academy of Pharmacy


European Inventor Award 2022

Medal of Innovation from “Montpellier Excellence University” 2020

Prize winner of « Agir pour la Ressource en eau » program 2018 Suez Fondation

Prize winner of François Sommer Fondation 2016

Prize winner of Alexandre Johanides / French Academy of Sciences 2016

Chevalier of the Legion of Honor / France 2015       

Medal of Innovation from CNRS (outstanding exceptional and innovative research) 2014

Prize winner of Ecotechnologies (National Agency of Research) 2014

Prize winner of InnovEco / International meeting / France 2013

Prize winner of Cosminnov, « Innovation » category / International congress 2013

Prize winner of « La Recherche », « Environment » category / Scientific Press 2011

University Trophy of the Eco-Actions Prize delivered at the French National Assembly 2010

Prize winner of ADEME “Innovative Technologies for the Environment”/International meeting 2012

Institutional and (inter)national responsibilities or individual scientific reviewing activities

Member appointed for the Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference (Germany)

Member appointed for the CEEBIOS (European Center of study and expertise dedicated to the deployment of biomimicry)

Member appointed for the Scientific Leading Committee of the Research National Agency

Member appointed for the Leading National Committee of ASCO Remediation (CVTAllenvi)

Member appointed for the ’National Alliance of Research for Environment ALLEnvi                                           

Member appointed for the InterDisciplinary National Commission of CNRS 45 and 52 Environment and Society» –

Representative from the Chemistry

Member appointed for the Scientific Council of « National Museum of Natural History »

Member appointed for the International Scientific Council of CEBALabex

National Expert for the Rewards of Scientific Excellence (MNHN, CNRS, Ministry)

Expert for ANR programs and HCERES (High Council of Research Evaluation)

Expert for Innovation in French Overseas Departments and Territories (French Guyana, New Caledonia, French Polynesia)

Member of selection Committee of University Professors at Montpellier, Paris, Metz, Nice

Member of French Prospective Group for « Ecology-Chemistry »        

Member of Sustainable chemistry Group of the French Chemical Society



PhD of Molecular Chemistry/University of Lorraine/France      


Master of Organic Chemistry obtained with the highest honors, classification: 1st/University of Lorraine


Licence of Chemistry obtained with the highest honours, classification: 1st